Fic Recs



  • DownThemAll
    Extension to allow you to download all of the images on a page
  • TumblThree
    Download entire archives of Tumblr blogs
  • Death Note

  • AI Dungeon
    An AI-generated interactive text adventure
  • Inferkit
    See how a modern neural network completes your text
  • Bored Humans
    A list of AI-generated tools.
  • Narnia

  • AutoDraw
    A drawing tool with the option to correct your shapes into clip-art
  • Inspirograph
    Create spirograph art in your browser
  • JS Paint
    Microsoft Paint in your browser - with Javascript
  • NoPaint
    If you like what you see, click on "Paint", or else click "No"
  • Cheap Freedom
    An online visual art museum open to anyone.
  • Education

  • Emotional Labor
    A comprehensive archive of a Metafilter thread about emotional labor.
  • Mental Models
    A list of mental models for making intelligent decisions.
  • Untools
    Tools for decision making and problem solving.
  • Graphics

  • BoodleBox
    Fake ads to use on your page
  • The Corporation
    More fake ads to use on your page
  • EZ Gif
    Create & edit gifs
  • FlamingText
    Generate word art
  • Make Word Art
    Generate Microsoft Office-esque word art
  • GIFy Pet
    Create a cute pet for your webpage
  • PhotoMosh
    Add glitchy and retro effects to photos and gifs
    Upload an image and this tool will remove the background
  • Repeater
    Make your own tiled backgrounds
  • SubtlePatterns
    Free background patterns
  • Web Badges World
    A huge collection of web badges to display on your site
  • Blinkie
    Create your own blinkies

  • CSS Beautify
    CSS formatter
  • CodePen
    A live editor that shows you HTML/CSS changes as you make them in real time
  • Construct Your CSS
    Visually create your layout and generate the code
  • Lilac Lynx's Responsive Web Guide
    Guide to make your site responsive
  • HTML Cheatsheet
    A handy reference sheet when using HTML
  • HTML Generator
    Generate the markup for lists, tables, links, images and more
  • WebGuide
    A good beginner's guide to HTML & CSS
  • Word to HTML
    Paste in formatted text and generate it into HTML
  • Layouts

  • LovelyD
    Premade 00s anime layouts
  • Celestial Star
    More 00s premade anime layouts
  • Templaterr
    Premade layouts and useful site codes
  • EggRamen
    More free layouts
  • TooPlate
    Modern-looking premade layouts
  • Mental Health

  • Emotional Codes
    Tools for processing emotions
  • Feelu Mood Wheel
    An interactive mood wheel, to help identify how you're feeling
  • Gentle Earth
    Vent anonymously
  • ASMRion
    ASMR Generator with various sound effects
  • A Soft Murmur
    Ambient sounds to wash away distraction
  • Purrli
    Listen to HD cat purrs as background noise
  • RainbowHunt
    Listen to calming rain sounds with adjustable sliders
    Tune into forests around the world (imagery and sound effects)
  • Vibe Ocean
    Ocean noise and ambient sounds generator
  • myNoise
    A comprehensive background noise generator
  • This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

    Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

    Here's how you can add an image:

    Here's how to make a list:

    • First thing
    • Second thing
    • Third thing

    To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!