TITLE: One Summer Day
SUMMARY: It was just another summer day. There was absolutely no reason for anything strange to happen...
I once read a comment to the story Welcome to Hogwarts 1949, by Ohyeah100, and I liked it so much that I saved it. Unfortunately I didn't save who wrote it, and since there is more than a thousand reviews to that story, I would have a very hard time finding it again. I don't know who said it, but what they said was this: This is the first fic I've read where harry actually goes through the process of falling instead of "suddenly he was evil after one uneventful summer" sort of stories... I loved the image the sentence "suddenly he was evil after one uneventful summer" conjured in my mind. So this is the story that happened. Unfortunately I don't think it's as good as the sentence that inspired it, but oh well...
Harry Potter woke up one fine summer day. "I have decided," he said to Hedwig (because he was at the Dursleys, locked in his room, and he had no one else to talk to) "to join Voldemort."
Hedwig squawked and fell back in her cage. Harry poked her experimentally, but she didn't respond. She was either unconscious or dead.
"Oh, well," Harry said. "You were a loyal friend, my dear Hedwig." He took out his wand. "But, on the other hand, I need someone to practice my Avada Kedavra on, and since I think you're probably dead already, you will be the perfect choice. Consider your body donated to science," he said solemnly.
"Avada Kedavra!" he shouted, pointing his wand at her. Nothing happened. "Strange. I must not have wanted to do it enough. –Hedwig, WAKE UP!" He shook her this way and that way. Finally she came to.
"Ah, my dear Hedwig!" Harry said in exultation. "You're alive! How I have missed you!" He hugged her tightly, ignoring her impatient protests.
"And I will miss you ever more once you are dead," he said, and tears began to fall from his eyes. "Sweet Hedwig, loyal Hedwig, my owl!"
He wiped his eyes. "Such a death should be forbid, too tragic for life to imagine."
"Ah, well," he said with a sigh and a shrug, his tears stopped. "Avada Kedavra!"
A green light flew from his wand.